Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Project! #million+

I can not believe we are almost done with June already. Our Montana weather this year has been rather cold and it feels more like spring than summer. I am not complaining by all means I just look forward to not being cold after our long winters.
Tons of projects have been running through my head. From 4th of July decorations to Fall pendants. But the most important project I have going on this summer is getting my LiveITLoveITCreateIT brand out there. I would like to start my own web based business like etsy and other similar sites. My website would be for crafty housewives who like myself want to feel like we are bringing something to the table. And if all else fails an easy way to earn income.
My reasoning for starting such a site is the label, "displaced housewife." Not may people know what a displaced housewife is, its a term used when a housewife who hasn't work in years due to raising a family is all of a sudden left holding the bag or perhaps homeless with her children. There are many ways to reaching this status but for the most part most displaced housewives are those women who have fallen victim to spousal abuse. They can be forced out of their home with their children due to the fact the home is unsafe. They find themselves hopeless, scared, and homeless. May displaced housewives lack the training for the current job market, there are government programs but many states lack the funds. This makes these mothers lost in the systems.
So to help get the word out and hopefully to prevent more mothers from finding themselves in this position. My goal is start a site to help these women create an income. And in the future us the companies fund to give back to community by training, giving support, and temporary housing to those in need. I have begun the long process of learning how to write for grants.
I truly believe this is my calling in life and your support is greatly appreciated! So if you want to help and have any ideas please share!

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